
Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to call, text or email us with any additional questions you might have.

What areas do you service?

A: We branch out into Davidson, Troutman, MT Ulla, South Cleveland, MT Mourne, LKN, Coddle Creek, Mazeppa and more. If you would like to see if your area is covered please feel free contact us.

Will I have the same pet sitter every time?

A: We do our best to keep your pet with a consistent sitter. However, we are a team of sitters. This helps us provide you with the peace of mind that no matter what your pet sitting needs are (last minute, long term, etc.), your pets will always receive consistent care. All information gathered during the consultation is shared between sitters so that we will be completely ready to care for your pets and your home during your absence.

Do you work on holidays?

A: Yes. When you need us, we will be there. Please keep in mind holidays fill up very quickly.

How much do you charge?

A: Our rates are based on the services provided. Please see our Services page for more complete information on rates and service options.

What are my payment options?

A: Payment for services is typically requested to be made in full and is due by the date of first service. After your service is confirmed, you will receive an email that includes a link to your invoice and can pay securely online. We can also accept cash and check payments if you prefer. Take Meowt is committed to protecting consumer credit card data in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Are there any extra charges?

A: You can choose what types of services you need. Our Services page provides information on what is included in each visit. If you require special visits, additional transport, errands, we are happy to discuss creating a personalized service plan for you.

What emergency plans do you have for weather?

A: There is always a backup pet sitter available however, in the unlikely event that we are not able to complete your visit at the scheduled time, we will contact you and work with you to come up with the best solution for your situation. We highly recommend that you provide emergency contact information in your profile in case you cannot be reached in an emergency.

How do you handle my keys?

A: We take your security very seriously. If access to your home requires keys, we request that you provide 2 keys during the initial visit. The keys are tagged with a code we recognize. Your name or address is never attached to your keys. The first key is assigned to your main sitter who will be performing your services. The second key is locked securely in our office in case a backup is required for your scheduled service.

Why should I use a sitter?

A: Your pet will remain in his or her familiar, secure environment and follow his or her customary diet and exercise routine. Your pet is not exposed to illness of other animals. Most importantly, your pet receives lots of love and personal attention while you are away.

What do you do on a visit?

A: Our pet sitting visits include: Feeding per your instructions, fresh water, dogs walked, love and play time, brushing, litter box cleaned, cages cleaned, medication given if needed, mail/newspaper brought in, plants watered, lights on/off, and Lots of TLC. Simply specify what you need and we’ll have you covered.

Do you always visit at the time we ask for?

A: We book your visits within a time frame and will be there during that time. We schedule in 2 to 3 hour blocks. However if you have a preference, please don’t hesitate to leave us a note on that visit.

If my pet has an accident, do you clean it up?

A: Yes, we will clean up after your pets to the best of our ability. If there are always accidents, we will ask you to book an additional visit in the day. We will do a walk through to check for accidents.

What information do I need to provide at the initial consultation?

A: Prior to the consultation; you will need to fill out your profile completely. We will then have all the information we need about your pets allowing us to spend the consultation time getting to know you and your pets. To get started, please contact us and we will then start your confidential profile and set up your complimentary consultation.

Do I always have to give you 2 keys?

A: Most clients do give us 2 keys. During your consultation we can discuss what works best for you.

I live in a secure building, how is that handled?

A: Due to our schedule we are not able to wait for a desk person to let us in the building and up to your floor each day. If the fob is required for the elevator, then clients generally leave the fob for us in an envelope at the front desk authorizing us to enter their apartment. We leave the fob back in your apartment on the last visit.

Is the meet n’ greet/consultation free?

A: The initial consultation (meet n’ greet) is FREE.

May I give my pet sitter / dog walker a gratuity?

A: Absolutely.

Do you pick up my dogs waste when you are walking?

A: Yes, we do.

What kind of animals do you care for?

A: All pets. We do not care for any animals that have a history of biting, fighting or attacking other animals or people.

Can I be assured of same pet sitter each time?

A: We prefer to have the continuity of the same pet sitter each time.

How long are your visits?

A: Or services offer 15 mins to an hour. However, we are doing something new and unique. We believe you and your pets happiness will be our gauge, not the clock. Many of our clients come to us for this reason. We promise to stay for as long as it takes to make your pet happy, secure and comfortable. If your pet needs extra time to do whatever it may be, we will do what it takes to make them happy!

Do you offer any sort of satisfaction guarantee?

A: You want to know that your pets will be cared for just the way you specify. We will guarantee it every time! If you are not 100% satisfied with the service that was provided, we will be happy to address your concerns. We believe in lasting client relationships, so our service is only complete when you return home and are completely satisfied.

I am leaving tomorrow and do not have time to meet one of your sitters. Will you take care of my pets without meeting them?

A: No, we do require an initial consultation before taking care of your pets.

Can I have every other day cat visits?

A: We feel all cats should be visited no less then once every 24 hours. This is or the health of your kitty(s). If you really feel you have a healthy cat, and prefer every other day visits, please talk to us on an individual basis.

Do you charge a holiday fee?

A: No.

Will I receive a refund if I leave later than expected or return early?

A: No, please understand that we have made time for your visits and may have turned other people down to allow time for your pets. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. There will be no refunds, however if given 24 hours of notice or more we will credit a visit to your account.

What happens if I did not leave enough food for my pet(s)?

A: We will notify you that there is not enough food so that you are aware and perhaps you have more food in another place in your home. If we do need to make a special trip to purchase food we will be glad to do so. There will be a $25 trip charge plus the cost of the food. Your credit card will be charged. If an extra trip to your home is needed for an extra visit to feed your pets, that will be charged as well.

How will I get my key back if I move or discontinue service if you are keeping my keys on file?

A: We will be glad to mail your keys upon your request if you have kept your keys on file with us as a ready key.

What are your Terms of Service?

A: Take Meowt, LLC is also referred to as: “TMT” or “We”, The Client is also referred to as “Client”, “You(r)”, Owner.
We agree to come to your home when you book services with us and will provide good, quality pet care for your pets as requested by the you the Client as presented on our website.

Servicing Area



North Davidson

Mt. Ulla

Amity Hill (South Cleveland)









Service Hours

Every Day: 7am-10pm

Over-nights: 10pm-7am

Office Hours

Weekdays: 8am-8pm

Weekends: 9am-4pm